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What is the most fuel-efficient speed of the car?

We all know that each of our cars has an economic speed. Under economic speed, cars are the most fuel-efficient. So, does the economic speed correspond to an economic speed? At what speed is our car the most fuel efficient? Let's talk about this topic with everyone today.

Many friends intuitively understand that the lower the speed, the more fuel-efficient it is. Because the lower the speed, the fewer the number of piston trips per unit time, right? In this case, the amount of oil consumed must be the least. It is intuitive to understand that it also makes sense, but this is not an absolute value. The engine speed of each car is at the same speed as its displacement. It has something to do with the gearbox.

For example, at the same speed ratio and the same speed, a car with a large displacement can have a lower speed than a car with a small displacement. However, at the same displacement and speed, a car with more transmission gears can have a lower speed than a car with fewer transmission gears. For example, the same, 8AT, 6AT, and 4AT, under the same conditions, running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, 8AT's positive speed will be lower. Does that mean that 8AT is more fuel efficient than 6AT and 4AT? He doesn't have to. Maybe in some cases, 6AT will be more economical than 8AT.

Most of our cars now generally have an economic status of about 2000 to 2500 rpm, which is a relatively fuel-efficient speed at this speed. If the speed is too low, the car can't run. If it can't run, a considerable part of its power is used to overcome its resistance, so the forward force is less. If the speed is too high, part of the fuel is wasted. So we usually drive at high speed especially when driving, everyone can pay a little attention to the speed of our car. Of course, some high-end cars may now have lower speeds, which can be done at 1700 and 1800, because like now there are more and more gearboxes, so everyone wants a more economical fuel consumption. Be sure to pursue this very low speed, but keep the speed in a relatively reasonable range.

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