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About the maintenance of winter car battery, Xiaobian to teach you!

  Most people who drive on the road usually care about whether their gasoline is enough or not, so quickly go to refuel, and those who run long distances will quickly fill up. It can be seen that gasoline is essential to a car as water is to the human body. In fact, in addition to gasoline, in addition to gasoline, the battery is also a very important component.

  The best use temperature of a battery is 25 °, and the available capacity of the battery will decrease by about 0.8% with each 1 ° drop, and the capacity will be restored when the temperature rises. In low-temperature environments, many high-power equipment such as seats, rear-view mirrors, steering wheel heating, and glass defogging require electricity, which adds a lot of pressure on electricity.

  How to maintain car batteries in winter? After the battery for a car is used for more than 2 years, the capacity and discharge capacity will decrease. The life of a general vehicle battery will not exceed 4 years. Of course, a well-maintained battery will last longer.

  Water-filled lead-acid battery: Pay attention to battery liquid level and battery liquid density As car owners, we should regularly check the battery fluid level. When the battery is low, add distilled water to the proper level. After adding distilled water to the battery, we should check the density of the battery fluid and always keep the density of the battery fluid within a reasonable range.

  Maintenance-free lead-acid battery: Regularly check the magic eye and keep the battery fully charged Since the maintenance-free battery has no water hole and battery liquid level scale, we need to judge the state of the battery through the "magic eye" on the battery. A green magic eye indicates that the battery is normal and fully charged; a black magic eye indicates that the battery needs to be charged; a white magic eye indicates that the battery needs to be replaced.

  Discharge capacity needs to be tested using a dedicated battery tester We generally use a voltmeter to check the battery voltage. Although the voltage value of the battery can be detected, the quality of the battery with load cannot be checked. In order to check the actual condition of the battery, we should use a special battery tester to check the battery's discharge capacity and capacity with load.

  Weak current cannot be ignored After the car is locked, the anti-theft system of the car starts to work, it will draw a weak current from the battery, so the car will run out of power if it is not used for a long time. If the vehicle is found to be short of power for a short period of time, in addition to checking the battery condition, it is also necessary to check whether the weak current is too large when the vehicle is stationary. The excessively weak current when the vehicle is left standing is likely to be caused by the grounding of some electrical circuits in the car. Failure to deal with it early will cause safety hazards. At the same time, the battery will be over-discharged for a long time to shorten its life. The automotive repair industry generally uses clamp-type ammeters to detect weak currents when the vehicle is at rest.

  Battery maintenance precautions: When the pointer of the ammeter shows that the stored power is insufficient, charge it in time. Electrolyte density varies with different regions and seasons, and needs to be adjusted accordingly according to standards. When the electrolyte is insufficient, distilled water or special rehydration fluid should be added, and drinking pure water should never be used. The duration of each start is no more than 3 seconds, and the restart interval is not less than 5 seconds. When driving daily, you should always check whether the small holes in the battery cover are ventilated. Check the parts of the circuit frequently for aging or short circuit.

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