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Cars with active braking function are actually divided into different categories

Today, I would like to share with you, how big is the difference between the active brakes of expensive models and the active brakes of cost-effective models, and what are the active brake technologies of various brands? What is the impact on driving? Follow the editor to learn.

The mainstream solution of active braking technology. Generally speaking, the technology everyone uses is to install a millimeter wave radar in the front of the car, and then at the same time have a camera in the inner rearview mirror. Through the cooperation of these two devices, Realize the role of perception and detection of dangerous road conditions ahead. So that the vehicle can effectively realize the role of active braking.

In addition, you will find that all models with millimeter wave radar on the front of the car, like Volvo, Audi, Honda Accord, always hang a black on the front of the car, this is the millimeter wave radar. But this millimeter wave radar is actually very expensive. If it was damaged by an accident, the radar alone would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan. So in order to skip the problem of high cost caused by radar. Nissan has come up with a unique solution.

They and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, relying on such top technology companies, jointly developed a set of ultra-high-speed visual recognition system. The name sounds awkward, but in fact it is only the principle of recognition through the camera in the inner rearview mirror. In fact, it is the same as the face recognition technology in the mobile phone or camera, except that the face recognition is replaced by The identification of various road conditions and the identification of various dangerous situations, in this way, its cost is greatly reduced.

According to official data, the active brake equipped with this set of technology is called FEB, which is the pre-collision warning system. Vehicles such as the new Sylphy and Bluebird are equipped with this system. The speed range it can adapt to is quite good, and it can work from ten kilometers to eighty kilometers. But the editor is most concerned about the use of cameras to analyze and identify rain and snow weather. This kind of camera is obviously affected by the environment at night, and whether it can achieve effective identification is not mentioned. Therefore, whether this ultra-high-speed visual recognition system is really useful or not can be known after a test drive.

Another model that does not use millimeter wave radar solutions is Ford's models. Their technology is called ACS low-speed safe driving system. In fact, 7 is exactly the same as Volvo's city safety system. They have changed the inner rearview mirror to a more Complex and higher cost laser sensors. Take the latest Fox as an example. Its system can start and increase below 50 kilometers per hour. The original Fox system is below 30 kilometers per hour. In addition, this system officially only claims that it can recognize obstacles in front of the vehicle and avoid rear-end collisions, but it does not mention whether it can recognize pedestrians, and there is no clear regulation.

Another manufacturer uses a very traditional solution, that is Honda's CMBA, also known as the collision mitigation braking system, which is a standard millimeter wave radar, plus a solution with an internal rearview mirror camera system. In fact, this system itself is still very superior. It has a very powerful pedestrian recognition function. At a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, it can avoid collisions through fully autonomous braking. Come and experience this set of CMBS system, which can also identify and avoid dangerous situations well.

Therefore, I believe that from the perspective of the active braking technology of so many cost-effective models, Honda's traditional solution is rather mature and reliable. Let’s take a look at the performance of high-end brands. The first thing to talk about is the new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class. This car represents the highest level of Mercedes-Benz’s high-tech active safety. Pedestrian behavior recognition can only be regarded as the most basic level for it. The functions of the vehicle, such as the recognition of stationary objects, the recognition of vehicles and pedestrians crossing the intersection, are easy to talk about. It can be said that the hazards in all front directions of the vehicle can be effectively identified and resolved.

As for the enhanced urban safety system represented by Volvo’s new XC90, this system claims to be able to work at any speed, and more special objects such as children and bicycles can be recognized very well at night. It can also work very well. Its enhanced urban safety system recognizes various dangerous targets, which can be said to be flawless and quite accurate.

I helped you design the high-tech active safety recognition system such as Mercedes-Benz and Volvo. In fact, it has reached a very high degree of intelligence, which can be said to be a good pavement for future autonomous driving. This type of active brake, which is currently the highest level, is backed by high-cost stereo cameras and more expensive millimeter-wave radars. Therefore, cost constraints make it difficult for this technology to be popularized on cost-effective vehicles in the short term.

Judging from a large number of cases in life, as long as the active brake function works effectively at 30 kilometers per hour, it will almost avoid about 70% of rear-end collisions. What's more, the popularity of smart phones makes everyone When driving, look at the phone consciously or unconsciously, and the traffic hazards caused by this distraction are under certain control. But don’t forget that active braking is definitely not the best solution to avoid a rear-end collision, because even if you can avoid a rear-end collision with the vehicle in front, don’t forget that the vehicle behind you may also come up. Moreover, active braking at high speed is not the best way to solve a rear-end collision.

The focus of this issue is that the active brakes of most expensive models can accurately identify pedestrians in front of the vehicle to avoid danger; and due to cost issues, the active brakes of most cost-effective models cannot accurately identify pedestrians in front of the vehicle. There is still a certain gap in the technology of active braking of various brands. It still protects drivers and pedestrians. But no matter how good the technology is, it can't replace people's concentration on driving and attention.

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