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Engine failure analysis of common car failures

Common car failures include engine failures, chassis failures, and electrical equipment failures. During the use of the car, failures will inevitably occur due to various reasons. Drivers should master certain faults, diagnosis and elimination methods, and timely and effective treatment of common car failures, which is not only beneficial to restore the normal operation of the car, reduce consumption, improve transportation efficiency, but also extend the service life of the car. Today, I will take a look at the common faults of the engine with everyone

Common faults in the engine and common faults in the lubrication system. Common faults of the lubrication system are too low organic oil pressure, too high oil pressure, excessive oil consumption, etc.  
  1. Oil pressure is too low
  Observe the oil pressure gauge or alarm indicator. If the oil pressure is too low, or when it is zero, stop and turn off the engine immediately. Otherwise, mechanical failures such as burning the shaft and the shaft will occur soon. Motor oil quality. If the amount of oil is insufficient, it should be added in time. If there is water in the oil or the fuel, it should be disassembled to find the leaking part. If the oil viscosity is too small, replace it with a suitable oil.  
  1. If the amount of oil is sufficient
  Then check whether the lead of the oil pressure sensor is loose? If the connection is good, loosen the oil pressure sensor or the main oil channel plug while the engine is running. If the oil is discharged from the connecting threaded hole, the oil pressure gauge and its sensor connection line are faulty. If the oil spray is weak, immediately turn off and check whether the oil pump, pressure limiting valve, primary filter element of the collector is clogged, whether the bypass valve cannot be opened, and whether there is oil leakage in the oil passages and oil pipes of the inlet and outlet pipes?  
  1. The oil pressure is too high
  It is found that the oil pressure is too high, and the flame should be turned off to eliminate the fault, otherwise it will easily burst, the oil filter cover and the oil sensor. First check whether the viscosity of the oil is too large and the pressure limiting valve is not adjusted properly. For the newly overhauled engine, check the main bearing and whether the cam bearing clearance of the connecting rod bearing is too small. If the existing pressure suddenly increases, but no other abnormal phenomenon is seen, check the oil pressure sensor and the wire for ground faults that cause the oil pressure gauge to display abnormally.  
  1. Excessive oil consumption.
  First check whether there is oil leakage from the outside. Pay special attention to whether there is oil leakage at the front and rear ends of the crankshaft and the rear section of the camshaft. If the engine, cylinder head cover, valve cover oil pan, and front and rear oil seals of the organic oil leak, check the crankcase ventilation device. Clean up the deposits and glue on the crankcase pipes, especially the ventilation flow control valves. If the ventilation is blocked, it will cause the pressure in the crankcase to rise and cause oil leakage.  
  1. If the exhaust pipe is obviously blue
  This is caused by the burning of the engine oil. When the engine meets the high-speed operation, a large amount of blue smoke is emitted from the exhaust pipe, and at the same time the blue oil smoke is also emitted outward from the oil filling port, which is caused by excessive wear of the piston ring and cylinder wall. The end gap, side gap or back gap of the piston ring is too large, and the multiple piston ring end gap openings are turned together, twisting the ring installation and so on, so that the oil penetrates into the combustion chamber. If the engine is running under heavy load, the exhaust pipe emits blue smoke, but the oil filling port is smokeless, the valve stem oil seal is damaged. The valve ducts are too worn and oil is drawn into the combustion chamber. If it is blue for a short time, it stops after the smoke and the oil in the oil casing does not decrease, it is a wet type. The oil level in the air filter is too high.
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