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How to check the spark plug color to determine the working condition of the engine

Steering wheel shakes, old driver tells you the reason and solution  

The normal color of the electrode of the spark plug is brown and white. If the electrode burns black and has carbon deposits, it indicates that there is a fault.


The replacement cycle of an ordinary automobile spark plug is about 30,000 kilometers. Depending on the material of the spark plug, the replacement mileage varies. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, everyone is better to replace the spark plug as required.


During the inspection, the spark plug can be connected to the cylinder, and the terminal of the spark plug can be contacted with the central high-voltage wire, and then the ignition switch can be turned on to observe the high-voltage electric jump position. If the electric jump position is in the gap of the spark plug, the spark plug works well; otherwise, it needs to be replaced with a new one.


The spark plug has severe carbon deposits-it is the engine oil that has flowed to the combustion chamber, commonly known as engine oil.


The spark plug is stuck with sand-the air filter is not sealed properly, the sand enters the combustion chamber, and the sand melts on the spark plug due to the high temperature of combustion.


Spark plugs are whitish-the mixture is too thin, causing the engine to overheat. Failure to deal with it for a long time will cause serious engine failure.


Black fleece deposits-- air filter is too dirty, oil pressure regulator vacuum tube is broken, gasoline pressure is too high, oxygen sensor is damaged, electrical control system is faulty, etc.

The center electrode becomes round-the spark plug has been used for too long, and such a spark plug consumes a lot of power when ignited, and will also cause the engine to malfunction.


Center electrode shortened- spark plug was not replaced during maintenance.


Surface ablation-The spark plug has a mismatched heat value, too much ignition angle ahead of time, lean mixture, low temperature in the cooling system, and insufficient oil in the lubrication system.

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