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How To Select & Purchase Right Car Scanner Tools Online .
This entry was posted on July 11, 2018
More and more modern cars and commercial vehicle are controlled by ECM/ECU. Now a day car diagnostic tools has become very necessary part to run a garage professionally. Scanner can save your valuable time and labour needed to diagnose the problem of the cars.
You cannot get each and every function in a single scanner since there are many systems and it is nearly impossible to cover each and every function of the car in a signal device. Some scanners are good in Asian cars where others are good at European or American cars. Some are expensive where price of other scanners are less expensive. Some scanners are battery operated where others are using power of car’s battery. Some car scanners need computer to operate where other scanners works with inbuilt processor.
To choose right scanner for garage or for a car mechanic is very important since choosing right scanner can save your valuable time and human resource. The basic question for every car mechanics is how we can select right scanner for our requirement. Mechanic can select scanner by considering fact and suggestion below.
#1: Car Brand & Mechanic Need:
If you are specialized for a single brand for example Suzuki, then best scan tool available for you is a OEM scan tool manufactured for specific that brand. Factory scan tool mostly covers each and every functions which includes OBD trouble code reading, Engine scanning, ABS (Anti breaking system), Airbag, EPS(Electric power steering), BCM(Body control module), Immobilizer (Key coding or remote coding).
Unfortunately there are very few OEM Company who sells car diagnostics tools in the aftermarket and to make matter worse they sell scanners at very high price. Many OEM Companies sell scanner aftermarket with limited functions which does not give power of full car diagnostics to the mechanics.
For a garages that works for a multi car, buying a OEM scanner is very expensive since mechanics needs to buy scanner for every car manufacturer brand and single OEM scanner may cost mechanic more than 2500 USD. How every good news for multi car mechanics is there are many car scanner manufacturing company which are specialized for multi car scanning to name a few are Bosch KTS, LAUNCH X431, Autel Maxipro, Gscan, Fcar, JBT, Actron, Snap on, Iscan, Auto logic, Abrites and many more.
There is very wide price difference in after market scan tools starting from 10 USD for ELM327 to 70000 USD for abrites. Mechanics should clearly make his mind about which function of the cars he needs to diagnose and which are the car brands coming most in his garages before making decision of a scanner.
#2: Which Platform?
Most of the multi car scanning company previously developed scanner software on Linux and Windows operating system. These devices were not user friendly and development cost for software was also very high for this scanner. Most of modern car scanners work on Android or Apple operating system. Since this two operating systems are widely accepted and are more user friendly many multinational companies has started developing scanning software on this platform.
There are some scanner which can also run on android or Iphone for example ELM327 which scan trouble codes by Torque application, however ELM 327 OBD scanner is only capable of scanning generic trouble codes and it can only connect with cars that follow OBD 2 Protocol.
Some scanner manufacturing company also provides only software of the scanner and allow mechanic to chose hardware or computer according to his requirements for example Bosch provides only software and connector and computer mechanic needs to buy according to his budget and requirement.
All of these devices require an interface cable or wireless connection to link the tool to the vehicle. In some cases, the software supplier provides the software at no charge but requires you to purchase the cable. The software, by itself, is useless without the cable or wireless connector to link the tool to your car. If you are resourceful and want to save a few bucks, there are numerous sources on the Internet where you can buy interface cables separately, or kits or plans to build your own cables. The main advantage of PC based scanning system is large display however it is not compact and difficult to use.
There are many companies in the market who has developed scanner on android or apple platform for example LAUNCH X431 and Autel maxipro. These devices are installed in company made tablet and are very compact and easy to work with. Most of scanners working on android or apple operating systems connect car with device by Bluetooth technology which eliminates the damage of scanner by short circuit in the car.
Many company provides external hardware which enhance capacity and functionality of the scanner for example LAUNCH X431 PAD 2 comes with Sensor box and battery box which help to test sensor and battery of the car respectively. Gscan 2 comes with oscilloscope which helps to diagnose electronic circuit of the car.
If you are a mechanics for high end or premium cars then it is always advisable to buy scanner with external attachments which can enhance functionality of the scanner and help mechanics to diagnose trouble code easily.
#3: Pay for only Car Which You Use:
There are many cars scanning company in the market which allow mechanics to choose software according to his need and requirements. For example if mechanics is only working on Asian car manufacturer then he needs to only pay price for a Asian car software instead of paying for other brands which he is not going to use. LAUNCH Idiag allow choosing car brand, mechanics wants in his device and mechanics only needs to pay for software which he wants to use.
On the other hand some multi car scanner brand are more focused on some system where lacking in other system. For example Bosch KTS range of diagnostic tools are capable of sawing wiring diagram and actual and required data of the cars but lacking in immobilizer coding where company like LAUNCH X431 is more focused on Immobilizer (key coding) and lacking at wiring diagram.
#4: More Than One Tool:
It is nearly impossible to work with each and every car with the help of just single scanner at the same time it is not advisable to buy different car scanner for different car make. Technician should confirm his basic requirements and according to that he should select the scanner brand.
There are many scanner manufacturing company in the market that manufacture external device that can enhance scanner ability and help mechanic to diagnose problem in much better and much faster way. Some of these devices are described below.
When a scope is hooked up to a sensor or circuit, it shows what is actually going on inside that device or circuit. Voltage is displayed as a time-based waveform. Once you know how to read waveforms, you can tell good ones from bad ones. You also can compare waveforms against scan tool data to see if the numbers agree (which is a great way to identify internal PCM faults).
A scope also allows you to perform and verify "action-reaction" tests. You can use one channel to monitor the action or input, and a second, third or fourth channel to watch the results. For example, you might want to watch the throttle position sensor, fuel injector waveform, crank sensor signal and ignition pattern when blipping the throttle to catch an intermittent misfire condition.
Using a scope does require a working knowledge of scope basics as well as the limitations of the scope you are using. Like scan tools, different scopes have different capabilities, so study and compare before you buy.

- Sensor Box:
- Battery Box:
- Scope Box:

- Endoscope:
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