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Is a car wheel really bigger? It's not that simple! Don't change it at will

Changing large wheels (also called wheels in the workshop, should actually be called rims, wheels, wheels are another type of parts) is one of the most popular options for many modification enthusiasts. Larger wheels can improve visual effects very effectively. The whole wheel arch is full of stuff, coupled with shiny rims and ultra-thin tires, it looks very sporty at first sight. But is it better that the rims are wider and wider? No!   If you really change the big rim, you will find that when you walk on a bad road, or pass a speed bump or press the road, your car will become very bumpy and uncomfortable. Why is this? This is because when the outer diameter of the tire is not changed, it is necessary to change the tire with a high flat ratio to change the large rim. Not only will the visual effect be improved, but the steering will become sensitive. But there are also many negative effects, such as the following:  
  1. The damping performance is weakened, and the comfort is greatly reduced.
In fact, the car's shock absorption function is not only dependent on the suspension springs and shock absorbers. The tire itself is also a huge damper, and its shock absorption performance is largely related to its flatness. If you take a closer look at some of the comfort-conscious models on the market such as Teana and Crown, you will find that the tires they use are large, fat, high-flat tires, which are very helpful for absorbing vibration. After changing the big rim, there is no such effect.  
  1. Flat tires have relatively low resistance to external forces.
When sharp objects are stiffened, thin tires with weak protection capabilities are prone to bulges and flat tires. And after replacing the large rim, sometimes the entire tire diameter will become larger. If the spring and shock absorber are not changed accordingly, and the suspension stroke of the suspension is not taken into account, the tire easily interferes with the wheel arch!
  1. After the tire is replaced, the shock absorption performance and steering response will change.
A good car with a precise and balanced chassis adjustment. After the tires are changed, the texture and suspension characteristics of the entire control will change. In many cases, it may not be good, but it will be worse. For example, after replacing the large rim, the weight of the entire wheel is concentrated on the outside of the rim, the inertia generated will be greater, and the handling performance will be reduced accordingly. If you want to greatly improve performance while increasing the size of the wheel, you must choose a lighter wheel as much as possible. Affects performance: That's right. Enlarging the size of the wheel hub will not only improve performance but also reduce it. The size of the tire and wheel hub directly affects the rotational and linear motion momentum. As the saying goes, the reason for inertia. These include the wheel inertia and the inertia of the wheel's up and down movement. Tire inertia directly affects acceleration performance. Because the greater the tire inertia when accelerating, the slower the tire speed rises, and the slower the car accelerates. If inertia increases, it affects both acceleration and braking. The first step in reducing wheel inertia is to reduce the weight of the wheel. In this way, the use of lightweight wheels is the most direct way.   And during high-speed driving, if the road has ups and downs, the tires will buffer upwards along the suspension direction, and then rebound the circuit surface. If the inertia of the tire increases, the time of the elastic circuit surface will increase, resulting in an increase in the tire suspension time in the air, which is often referred to as the effect of the unsprung mass .   So how to choose a wheel?
  1. First choose light weight: if you have money, choose forging. If you have no money, choose a wool.
  2. Select the center of mass distribution:The two below are definitely better for the former, because most of the mass is near the center, and the effect on the inertia is smaller.
  3. Although the performance is better with fewer spokes, it is better to choose a hub with more spokes because of the domestic road conditions, or else. . .
  4. I think the wheel change is mainly for good-looking praise! (Provided that the quality is guaranteed)
  Therefore, do not think that the rim is a simple appearance, it is related to the driving performance and safety and stability of the entire car. Before you change the big rim, you must think twice, and you must not be greedy for cheap, choose some Big wheel of unknown brand cottage!
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