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Is there any effective and convenient way to remove carbon deposits?

The impact of carbon deposits on the engine is a process of wear and tear over time. In addition, it is also important to develop good driving habits, such as not accelerating the accelerator and not idling for a long time. I heard that the chemical components in the fuel cleaning agent that remove carbon deposits have a certain corrosive effect on the rubber oil supply pipeline.

Qualified fuel cleaners can better remove carbon deposits in fuel compartments, injectors, and exhaust pipes than gasoline. Of course, these chemicals are somewhat corrosive.


However, even if the medicine is three points poisoned, you still have to take medicine when you are sick. The same reason, in contrast, these products should be used when needed. I heard that carbon removal is not completely removed without cleaning; what can I do if the machine can be removed for cleaning and I am afraid of damaging the engine?

Disassembly and cleaning, of course, will be cleaner, but there are advantages and disadvantages. After the engine is turned on, there will inevitably be sequelae such as air leakage. Under normal circumstances, it can be cleaned without disassembly and save time. However, some cars accidentally use inferior engine oil, which will cause the piston ring to get stuck; or when refueling encounters some gas stations with poor oil quality, which will severely block the fuel injection nozzle, it can only be disassembled and washed.


Can I add a treatment agent to remove carbon deposits?

Fuel additives are mainly aimed at carbon deposits in fuel systems. Unlike professional cleaning using equipment, which can be directly added to the fuel tank, "Ruisdao Carbon Deposit Net" can clean up carbon deposits and use a bottle every 20,000 kilometers. Some high-end car sensors are more accurate and have higher requirements for oil products. If the emission lights on the dashboard of gasoline are not up to standard, you can add "Ruisdao Vitamin" prevention. Ordinary family cars are not so demanding, and the owner can decide according to their own affordability.

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