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National motor vehicle ownership reaches 325 million pure electric vehicles account for a large proportion of new energy vehicles


  On December 2, the Ministry of Public Security released the latest vehicle data information nationwide. As of December 2, 2018, the number of motor vehicles in the country reached 325 million, an increase of 15.56 million compared with the end of 2017; the number of motor vehicles in the country reached 407 million, an increase of 22.36 million compared with the end of 2017.  

  According to statistics, China has registered 187 million small and micro passenger cars in the name of individuals, and the number of private cars per 100 households has exceeded 40. In terms of cities, 61 cities across the country have more than 1 million cars, and 26 cities have more than 2 million cars. Among them, 8 cities including Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen have more than 3 million cars.

  In terms of new energy vehicles, as of the end of September this year, there were 2.21 million new energy vehicles nationwide, including 1.78 million pure electric vehicles, accounting for 80.53% of the total new energy vehicles, and 254,000 new energy trucks, accounting for new energy 11.46% of the total number of cars. According to the "Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2012-2020)" previously issued by the State Council, the cumulative production and sales of domestic new energy vehicles will need to reach 5 million units by 2020.


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