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Steering wheel shakes, old driver tells you the reason and solution

The steering wheel controls the direction of the wheels. Some owners indicate that the steering wheel will shake during driving, especially the longer the car is driven, the higher the frequency of shaking. Then, what are the reasons for steering wheel shake?  

Steering wheel activated at idle


If the car shakes when the car is idling, there may be a problem in the following places:

More carbon deposits in the engine, too dirty throttles, or excessive carbon deposits in the injectors are the most likely causes of car shake. When the car is started, the fuel on the carbon deposits will be sucked into the cylinders by the engine and burned. Because the amount of combustible gas in the engine is higher for a while and lowers for a while, the body shakes during cold start. Generally, as long as the throttle and other oil circuits are cleaned on time, this problem will not occur.


Ignition system failure: This is also an important cause of body shake when idling. If there is a problem with the spark plug, high-voltage wire, or ignition coil, the car body will start to shake. At this time, you can check whether the carbon deposit of the spark plug is too much, and if necessary, you can replace it with a new spark plug.


Unsteady oil pressure causes chattering: If the value of the intake air pressure sensor is not accurate after the fuel supply pressure of the pump is abnormal, then chattering will also occur. At this time, you can check the oil pressure. If it needs to be replaced, it must be replaced in time.


Steering wheel suddenly jerks when brakes at high speed

Excessive braking force and excessive frequency will cause the brake discs and brake pads to overheat and deform in case of cold. At this time, the brake discs need to be replaced or polished.


Steering wheel shakes at a certain speed during driving


I believe that many riders have a careful thinking of racing, and of course Agui watch the car here to remind you that if you want to drive, please go to a professional place and a dedicated track. Usually use it well, the steering wheel will shake when a certain special speed is reached. If the speed is relatively high, you may suspect that it is difficult to control the steering wheel due to bumps caused by excessive speed. In fact, this is because the tire dynamic balance value is inaccurate, which will cause the steering wheel to shake in a certain speed range. Deformed wheel hubs, incorrect tire air pressure, uneven tire wear, and incorrect assembly of the balance weights all cause poor dynamic balancing of the wheels.


Steering wheel shakes at high speeds


Like the above, many riders will think that the whole vehicle bumps just because the speed is too fast. In fact, it may be caused by the vehicle drive system. You should check whether the positioning angles of the front wheels meet the requirements, and adjust them if they are out of alignment.


Shaking in the direction, related to the tightness of the belt


Steering power is often divided into hydraulic and electronic. The hydraulic power pump needs a leather belt to drive it, but the tightness of the belt is not suitable, which will cause the steering wheel to shake when driving.


Difficult steering wheel


When driving or braking, the direction of the vehicle is automatically deflected to the side of the road. To ensure straight driving, you must hold the steering wheel firmly.

The causes of the vehicle's deflection are: the front wheel specifications or air pressure on the two sides are not consistent, the front wheel camber or wheel camber of the two sides are not equal, and the front wheel and bearing gaps on the two sides are not consistent.


Numb hands during driving


When the vehicle is driving at speeds above medium speed, the chassis has periodic sounds. In severe cases, the cab and doors tremble, and the steering wheel vibrates strongly until the hands become numb. This is because the dynamic balance of the steering gear is damaged, and the drive shaft and its splines Caused by excessive shaft and spline sleeve wear.


Steering wheel

It is usually caused by the swing of the front wheel during driving. When the vehicle reaches a certain high speed, the causes of the steering wheel trembling or vibration are as follows: the dynamic balance of the front wheel assembly is damaged due to tyre repair or tire repair, and the transmission shaft There are loose parts, the dynamic balance of the transmission shaft assembly is damaged, the shock absorber fails, the leaf springs have inconsistent stiffness, the steering system parts are loose, and the front wheels are not properly calibrated. to sum up

All in all, dont panic when the steering wheel shakes in your car. Determine whether its driving shake or idle shake. If its an idle shake, you can go to the repair shop for repair, because its hard to judge the cause of the shake; Speed, judge whether it is a wheel problem or a steering problem according to the speed, and know where the problem will not be pitted

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