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Teach you what is downshift refueling, what's the use!

  Everyone who drives a manual transmission should know that the engine speed will drop when the gear is turned on. For example, when you are in the third gear at two thousand revolutions, if you change to the fourth gear, the speed may fall back to 1,500 revolutions. But if it is downshifting, the speed will increase.

  Everyone knows that the car's idling speed is below one thousand revolutions. Do not step on the accelerator when shifting gears, and then release the clutch after changing gears. At this time, the engine will be driven by the inertia of the car. At this time, the speed will be released by the clutch. Automatically rises.

  When you release the clutch, there will be a sense of frustration. This feeling is caused by the mismatch between the speed and the current vehicle speed. The higher the speed of the gear shift, the more obvious the feeling is, because the speed difference is too large, and it will give a little bit when downshifting. Oil, allowing the speed to rise can solve the shift stall.

  To put it simply, give a little oil when you downshift. Do n’t give too much. If you give too much, you will feel forward. If you give too little, you will feel frustrated. This point is for your own control. The purpose of giving oil is to make the speed and current Speed ​​matching. The speed will naturally drop when you are in gear, so you should collect oil when you are in gear.

  If the downshift refueling action is done well, the downshift is not felt, it is smooth and saves time. For example, when overtaking or mountain roads require large torque, reduce one gear to get sufficient traction. At this time, downshift refueling If you do well, you will be comfortable. There is also oiling during downshifting during the race, which can shorten the shift time and increase vehicle speed.

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