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The common faults of the car have been sorted out, and the key is a solution!

In life, we will always encounter such and other car failures. Today, we will summarize the judgments and solutions of the most common car failures. After reading it, when you encounter similar failure phenomena in your daily car life, you can also know the reason and deal with it rationally.

1. The engine oil pressure indicator display is abnormal   

Cause Analysis:When the pointer of the meter shows that the oil pressure is abnormal, it indicates that the engine component is faulty. If the oil gauge pointer shows low pressure or the gauge pointer shows large fluctuations, it may be due to the oil pump being worn out, the filter is blocked by dirt, the oil suction filter is exposed to the oil surface, the oil level is low, and air is mixed in the oil circuit. And the pressure gauge is caused by failure and other reasons. In addition, low lubricating oil viscosity, poor oil circuit sealing and lubricity, too high viscosity of lubricating oil under cooling, too much lubricating oil sludge, etc. will also cause abnormal display of the oil pressure indicator.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

2. Unscrew the radiator cover and find that there are always some oil stains floating on the water, and it is found that there is moisture when changing the oil.   

Cause Analysis:The engine has two major circulation systems, one is the coolant circulation system, and the other is the lubricating oil circulation system. The two systems are not connected to each other. If there is oil in the water or water in the oil, it indicates that there is a problem in one of the two circulatory systems. "Oil into water" and "water into oil" are two different types of faults. "Oil into water" is a fault in the engine body itself, while "water into oil" is mostly caused by engine parts, and the nature of the fault is different.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

3. The oil pressure indicator will light up when the car accelerates   Cause Analysis:There are two situations in which the oil lamp lights up, real and imaginary. The so-called reality means that the oil pressure is indeed low, to the point that the indicator lamp warns, indicating that the lubrication system is indeed malfunctioning and must be eliminated. The so-called virtual, just as suspected, the oil lubrication system did not fail, but the oil pressure indicator system failed and the indicator light was turned on by mistake.   Solution: Although this kind of failure will not affect the normal operation of the engine, the root cause should be found in time and eliminated. Under normal circumstances, the possibility of actual symptoms is greater, and should be used as the main idea of ​​judging the failure.

4. The steering wheel will swing as soon as the car encounters a malfunction when driving, and the swing is more serious when the car is heavy.   Cause Analysis:Under normal circumstances, it is caused by uneven wear of front tires, uneven tires or cushion tires, and deformation of steel rims. Because, when the wheel speed is fast, the torque that drives the steering wheel to rotate mainly comes from the yaw of the tire or steel ring. When the swing difference of the tire or steel ring exceeds 3mm, the yaw moment can drive the steering wheel to swing left and right.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for inspection and change the tire or steel rim as appropriate.

5. When driving at high speed on a good road, the steering wheel swings when the vehicle is heavy or empty, and the swing is severe when the vehicle is heavy, and the faster the vehicle speed, the more severe the swing.   Cause Analysis:Generally, the thickness of the brake drum is not uniform due to the loosening of the connecting bolts between the brake drum and the wheel hub, the loosening of the wheel hub bearing hole and the off-center boring of the brake drum, resulting in an imbalance.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for repairs in time.

6. Excessive engine oil consumption   Cause Analysis:Careful friends will find that lubricating oil is normally consumed when the car is in good condition. However, when the car is in poor condition, the exhaust of the car emits blue smoke. In fact, this means that the lubricating oil is consumed too much. Generally speaking, lubrication The consumption of oil is nothing more than two situations: entering the combustion chamber to participate in combustion, or oil leakage. The reason why the oil can escape into the combustion chamber is mainly because the parts are severely worn, the fitting clearance is too large, or the oil pressure is too high, which causes the oil to escape into the combustion chamber. The oil leakage is mainly due to the hardening and aging of the gasket. The valve is stuck. If it is an old vehicle, there are generally cases where the gasket is not tightly sealed due to aging.   Solution: You'd better go through a professional maintenance center, where the maintenance engineer will determine and implement effective solutions.

7. When the door glass is raised and lowered, there is a slight "gallop" sound   Cause Analysis:After the car has been used for a period of time, there will be a slight "rattling" sound when the door glass is lifting. Especially the driver's side is serious. This is mainly because the wind and sand in the north are relatively large, and some small dust and gravel are often left in the place where the door glass and the sealing tape contact, causing noise when the glass is raised and lowered. At this time, it is necessary to clean the sealing tape of the door glass and the sand and dust in the chute groove in time, otherwise it will scratch the door glass.

8. When the turn signal is on, the flashing frequency is faster than usual   Cause Analysis:When the handle of the turn signal is moved, the turn indicator on the instrument panel flashes faster than usual, which is a malfunction. Generally, it is caused by the change of the resistance of the circuit after the turning bulb on one side is broken.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

9. The windshield is not clean when it rains   Cause Analysis:It feels good to use the wiper when the rain is heavy, but when the wiper is activated in light rain, you will find that the wiper will leave uneven wiping marks on the glass surface; this indicates that the wiper blade has been Hardening or scratches on the wiper blade will cause uneven wiping and form residual dirt.   Solution: Replace the wiper or the film surface of the wiper. However, it should be noted when replacing that the installation method and length of the wiper are different in different models and years. Some wipers only need to replace the rubber sheet, while some wipers need to be replaced as a whole.

10. When the warm air is turned on in winter, the front windshield glass is foggy and sweet.   Cause Analysis:This phenomenon occurs when your vehicle uses warm air, and it is generally caused by a slight leak of the heating water tank in the cab. The fog on the front windshield is caused by the leakage of the antifreeze that is blown out of the air duct by the wind generated by the blower in the car and condenses on the front windshield. At the same time, people can also feel the special smell of the anti-icing liquid. The fan should be turned off at this time, the mist will gradually dissipate.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

11. The vehicle turns to "floating" when driving   Cause Analysis:It is often caused by the "head swinging" of the front wheel during driving. The reasons are: the balance of the front wheel assembly is damaged due to shimming of tires or vehicle repair; parts of the drive shaft assembly are loose; the dynamic balance of the drive shaft assembly is damaged; Vibrator failure; inconsistent stiffness of leaf springs; wear and tear of steering system components; improper front wheel alignment. Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

12. The engine temperature is suddenly too high while driving   Cause Analysis:If the coolant temperature indicator reaches 100°C quickly during the operation of the car, or the engine coolant temperature rises to boiling when the cold car is started, it will turn to normal after supplementing the coolant, but the engine power is obvious Decline, indicating that the engine mechanical system is malfunctioning. The reasons for this type of failure are mostly: severe water leakage in the cooling system; the cylinder gasket that isolates the water jacket and the cylinder is washed out; the main valve of the thermostat falls off; the fan drive belt is loose or broken; the water pump shaft and the impeller are loose; the fan clutch works bad.   Solution: Check out the cause of the failure and repair and replace it accordingly.

13. The steering wheel of the vehicle is difficult to manipulate when driving   Cause Analysis:It may be that the specifications or air pressures of the front wheels on both sides are inconsistent; the caster or camber angles of the front wheels on both sides are not equal; the clearances of the front wheel hub bearings on both sides are not consistent; the camber or elasticity of the leaf springs on both sides are not consistent; The difference between the side wheelbases is too large; the wheel brake gap is too small or the brake drum is out of round, causing one side of the brake to issue and drag the brake; uneven vehicle loading, etc.   Solution: Go to the repair shop for replacement and repair in time.

14. Fogging in the headlight   Cause Analysis:There is a plastic or rubber breathable channel on the back cover of the headlamp. This channel must exist in the structure of the headlamp, otherwise the thermally expanded gas cannot be eliminated. This breathable channel can only flow out gas but not water.   Solution: If there is a slight fogging phenomenon, it will quickly dissipate after air circulation or turn on the headlights. If there is always water or fog that can not dissipate, you need to go to a professional car repair shop to remove it.

15. The whole vehicle shakes when the vehicle is driving at high speed   Cause Analysis:When the vehicle is running normally to about 96km/h, the whole vehicle will shake. When the speed is reduced, the phenomenon will disappear. If the vehicle shakes again when it accelerates to about 90km/h, it means that the chassis of the car is faulty. The reasons for the failure are: tire dynamic balance is inaccurate; front and rear suspension, steering, transmission and other mechanisms are loose; front wheel positioning and wheelbase misalignment; semi-axle clearance is too large.   Solution: Eliminate the above faults in time to avoid the vicious circle and cause other faults.

16. When the car is turning, the big turn that the steering wheel clearly turns into a small turn, and the steering wheel turns into a small turn but turns into a big turn.   Cause Analysis:The former is called understeer and the latter is called oversteer, indicating that there is a problem with the steering system. There is also a kind of steering phenomenon. At first, it is understeer, and then becomes oversteer in the middle, turning sharply to the inside. This is the most dangerous reverse steering phenomenon and is prone to accidents.   Solution: This situation only occurs on individual rear-engine cars. Please remember to repair it in time.

17. It is difficult to start a car with a cold engine. After starting, the engine vibrates and then stabilizes. The engine begins to shake at medium and low speeds, and it improves at high speeds.   Cause Analysis:It may be a spark plug failure or premature ignition. If it is not the fault of the spark plug, it can be judged that the ignition time is too early.   Solution: When the above-mentioned failure occurs, it should be repaired in the repair shop in time.

18. The exhaust pipe emits black smoke   Cause Analysis:It indicates that the mixture is too rich and the combustion is not complete. The main reason is that the automobile engine is overloaded, the cylinder pressure is insufficient, the engine temperature is too low, the carburetor is improperly adjusted, the air filter is blocked, individual cylinders are not working, and the ignition is too late.   Solution: When removing, check whether the choke valve is fully opened, and perform maintenance if necessary; after the flame is turned off, look at the main nozzle from the carburetor port. If oil is injected or dripped, the oil level in the float chamber is too high and should be adjusted to Specify the range, tighten or replace the main measuring hole; the air filter is blocked and should be cleaned, dredged or replaced.

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