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The difference between polishing, waxing, sealing glaze, coating, crystal plating, netizens: all the old drivers know

  Polishing, waxing, sealing glaze, coating, crystal plating, many old drivers may not even know what it is, let alone some novice drivers. So, what's the difference between polishing, waxing, sealing glaze, coating, crystal plating, what kind of paint beauty items are suitable for your car, and which way do you take care of the car paint? Today I will briefly talk about the differences between these beauty items.  

Why paint the surface?

  With the development of the times, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of life. Of course, for the car owners, they also pay more and more attention to the maintenance of the vehicle. Everyone hopes that the car they drive every day is like a new car, just like maintenance. Like their own skin, they all want the praise of others.



  Car polishing is the process of car beauty. When waxing, sealing, or coating, the car is polished once, such as haircut and hair washing. In addition, the sealing glaze coating must be polished first, because the mirror can be made after a finely polished car. This is the process that the sealing glaze must go through. Without polishing treatment, the car paint is uneven, and the sealing glaze retention time is very short. It does not have long-term adhesion effect. It is no different from waxing. Of course, polishing does not have to be done in three steps, and new cars are often restored in one step.  


  Waxing is relatively simple, I believe everyone will not be unfamiliar, just apply a layer of protective wax to the body surface, and then throw the wax out. Its main ingredient is from petroleum, which is different from the wax burning in the home. Waxing can isolate the car paint from harmful gases and ash layers, and improve the brightness and gloss of the paint surface. Waxing can generally be maintained for about 15 days, the glaze can be sealed for up to 3 months, the coating can be maintained for half a year to one year, and the crystal plating can be maintained for about 3 years.  

Sealing glaze

Sealing glaze is to press the glaze into the interior of the car paint through a special vibration polishing machine to form a layer of net-shaped protective film, which can improve the hardness of the paint surface, high temperature resistance, acid rain resistance and UV resistance. However, the car after the glaze-sealing treatment cannot be changed to waxing or other methods to be used for lacquering and beauty treatment. It can only be continued with the glaze-sealing treatment.  


  Coating is based on the traditional polishing process. Using a spray gun, the coating polymer is evenly sprayed on the car paint. The paint surface forms a protective film. Good-quality coating products can significantly increase the gloss of the paint surface and improve the paint surface. Long lasting and anti-aging properties.  

Plated crystal

  Crystal plating is to form a variety of powerful protective crystals and UV filter layers on the surface of the car, which can improve the brightness and hardness of the paint surface, prevent scratches, UV and corrosion, and completely isolate particles such as ash, oil, and water molecules. The erosion of the car paint itself has the functions of anti-ultraviolet, anti-oxidation, anti-friction, non-fading, increase the hardness of the paint surface, and keep the paint surface bright and beautiful for a long time.  

Summary: I think waxing and sealing glaze are both a way to cause long-term damage to the surface of the paint film in order to obtain short-term beauty. Sealing the glaze, it is even more extreme. It is forced to squeeze the enamel into the gap through the shock blasting machine. Because it is squeezed in, it will be brighter, but squeezed into the gap, causing the gap to be larger. Of course, these naked eyes , The more times, the less accumulation into more, the result will not say more. No matter what, each type of maintenance and protection has its advantages and disadvantages. Which one is used depends on which one is acceptable.
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