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The dirtiest place on the car, it is not emphasized that the car washmen will not wash it, and some cars are scrapped and never washed

  With more and more car buyers, everyone is starting to pay attention to car-related issues. Take car washing, for example, many people wash their cars only when they find that the surface of the car is dirty. Moreover, washing the car on the substrate is to wash the outside of the car once, and the inside of the car is ignored. But in fact, our car is sometimes dirtier than the outside, and we usually find it harder, so we often ignore these details when we wash the car. Even if we go to a car wash shop, you don't stress the car washers, they won't wash you. Some cars have not been washed in these places. Let's take a closer look at the dirty places on these cars.

  First of all, it is the seat belt of our car, I believe many people did not expect it. Especially the seat belts on taxis are really dirty! Many people do n’t take a taxi's seat belts when they take a taxi. The color of those seat belts has turned gray, with bacteria and dust on them. But when we were washing the car, we basically didn't wash the seat belt. So, we must keep this in mind when we wash our cars.

Secondly, it is the air conditioner of the car. Generally, few people will go to clean the air conditioner on the car, mainly because many people forget it. Even if some people can remember it, it will be ignored because it is troublesome to disassemble and wash. Usually it's okay in winter, and a very unforgettable smell will blow out of the air conditioner in summer. This is because the car did not clean the air conditioner for a long time, which caused fungus and dust in the air outlet. Therefore, remind everyone that when we are okay, we should pay attention to the cleaning of the air conditioner of the car to avoid such things.

Finally, there is the steering wheel and dashboard of the car. These places are often contacted by our drivers. If they are not cleaned in time, bacteria and some dust are easily generated. However, these places are not easy to clean and require our careful treatment. There is also the trunk of the car. This place can really be called a place to hide dirt and dirt. Many people like to put everything in the trunk. Some things will be left untreated. Residues, if fermented at high temperatures in the summer, the trunk will emit an unpleasant smell.

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