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The rear end of a car accident is actually very easy to avoid

With the increase of cars, traffic accidents have become more and more frequent, and the most frequent accidents should be counted as rear-end collisions, especially when some road conditions or weather conditions are more complicated, large-scale rear-end collision accidents often occur. The extent can be seen, so how to rear-end accidents are so dangerous and how to avoid them. Don't worry, the editor has a few suggestions.

Driving and observing

  When driving a car, remember to be half-hearted, you must maintain a high degree of concentration, not only to see the route you are driving, to avoid obstacles that may occur during your own driving, but also to observe the driving conditions of the vehicles behind you. Prevent yourself from being rear-ended.

Proper distance

  There is a saying that distance produces beauty. This sentence is also very appropriate for driving, because maintaining a long enough distance can leave sufficient response and braking distance in the event of an emergency, so that many rear-end collisions This situation can be avoided, so be sure to keep a safe driving distance while driving.

Decisive braking

  When the car is driving, if there is an accident in front of the car, or if there is any unexpected situation in the front, the brake must be decisive in the case of affecting your safe driving, because the safety distance is reserved for that point, you must make full use of this For a certain distance, step on decisively when braking to avoid rear-end collisions. The most correct way is to quickly press the brakes a few times to remind the vehicles in the rear, and then quickly to the bottom. Of course, if the rear is a big car, you must observe the rear while braking, and use the direction to avoid at any time.

The car does not follow:

Taxi without passengers

  Generally, taxis travel very fast, and taxis that do not carry passengers not only travel fast, but also sometimes have to stop suddenly for the sake of passengers, which can easily lead to rear-end collisions or accidents.

Not following a large car

  Large vehicles include passenger cars and trucks. One common feature of these vehicles is that they are large in size, have many blind spots in the rear, and are not very compliant. Many large trucks or buses do not even turn on the turn signals when turning, which can easily cause accidents. Because the cars we drive are small, they can easily suffer.

Do not follow the field car

  It is not discriminatory to say that outside cars are because many outside cars are not very familiar with local urban roads, and various crossovers or parking reverses will occur. Accidents are also easy to follow when driving behind.

Not talking with a novice car


Everyone knows the skills of novice drivers, and unknown things may occur during driving, so novice drivers can not follow, even if they want to follow the car for a short time, they must leave enough distance, not for themselves, yes In order to leave enough processing space for the other party.  

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