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What if the car doesn't meet for half a month? Popular science

What if the car doesn't meet for half a month?

The car hasn't been driven for half a month, nothing has happened! At most, there is a thick layer of dust on the car, just wash the car. Everyone may wonder whether the battery of the vehicle will run out, whether the engine oil and the entire vehicle oil will deteriorate or solidify. First of all, the battery will not run out in a short time, and the entire vehicle oil will not solidify. If you have n’t driven for six months or more, and the car is exposed outdoors, the oil may be deteriorated after the hot and cold alternation. If it is within 1 month, there is basically no problem. Many people on the Internet say that the oil will deteriorate when the car is left for a long time. This is too far-fetched. Generally, the shelf life of motor oil is about one year. Although it may be changed after adding it to the car and mixed with oil sludge, etc. Resistant for half a month. It ’s just that after a long period of time, most of the engine oil in the engine has flowed back to the oil pan. When you start the car, do n’t step on the throttle. Wait a few tens of seconds for the oil pump to pump the oil out.

  1. Before the vehicle is parked for a long period of time, it should promptly deal with damages to the appearance of the body, such as local paint damage, bumper rupture, etc. Dealing with these problems in advance is mainly to prevent the vehicle from causing "breakage" when it is parked for a long time. "Window effect", causing damage during parking! Do n’t put anything in the car anymore, put it all in the trunk, not for the bear kids who smashed the glass of your car with a few steel scoops!
  2. When the car is to be parked for a long time, try to point the front of the car to the outside, so that it is easy to connect the electricity! Although the battery will not theoretically lose electricity in 15 days, if you park it in the open air in the Northeast for 15 days, you may not be able to freeze the battery. You are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so the front is better!
  3. When the car is parked for a long time, if it is parked in its own underground garage and the terrain is relatively flat, try not to apply the brakes on the hands. The four wheels can be placed with bricks and wooden blocks to prevent the car's hand braking time from being too long. If you stop outdoors or pull the handbrake obediently, in case any bear child gets the bricks and blocks away, and the uneven terrain may easily lead to danger!
  4. Before the car is parked for a long time, the tire pressure must be full, which is the theoretical maximum. The tire pressure of the vehicles parked in the 4S warehouse is the most sufficient! The main purpose of this is to prevent a part of the tire from being stressed for a long time, which will cause the tire to deform and it is easy to produce jitter when it is used in the future! As for the way to remove the battery negative pole, it is not necessary, Xiaobian thinks that even if the battery negative pole is removed, the battery's power will self-deplete!
In real life, there are too many cars left for a long time. For example, at the airport high-speed rail station, we often see private cars covered with car clothing parked in parking lots. They are all driven by airplanes and left by high-speed rail. Ten days and a half months. And the car in the 4S store can be easily stored for a month. When I bought a car to pick up the car, the driver of the shop drove us to the open-air parking lot. Rows of new cars were parked in the open air, and the ground was still full of weeds. This parked car is shared by 4S shops throughout the city. I picked up the car at the end of December. I found a factory delivery list in the car. It showed that the logistics loading was in October, which means that the car was parking I have been there for two months. The car was covered with dust when it was picked up, but the condition of the car was not affected.

Therefore, rather than considering so many unrealistic things, it is better to consider some more realistic, such as long-term parking to find a safe place to prevent theft and extortion. Park away from flammable and explosive materials. Do not put food in the car to prevent attracting rats or corruption. Be sure to leave a phone number in the car so that you can contact the owner if something happens. This is what we have to consider. The engineers themselves have taken into account the problems about the car itself. The car itself is not worried about what we are worried about.

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